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Emmanuel Macron: ‘For me, the key is multilateralism that produces results’

French president urges common action against ‘globalisation of hate’ through social media

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For Emmanuel Macron, the failure to roll out Covid-19 vaccines promptly around the world has starkly underlined the need for more productive international co-operation on everything from pandemics to climate change — and Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House after four years of Donald Trump has provided an opportunity.  “The enemy of multilateralism as we speak, now that we have American re-engagement, is slowness and ineffectiveness,” the French president told the Financial Times.  Speaking ahead of a video conference among G7 leaders on Friday — the first multilateral meeting between Biden and his European counterparts — Macron laid out a characteristically ambitious international agenda to improve supplies of western vaccines to Africa, revive the UN and the World Trade Organization by re-engaging with China and Russia, combat climate change and control “the globalisation of hate” through social media.

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